She slowly comes into view.
Happy. Content. Peaceful.
You’ve been through it all. And now you’re there. He’s there with you. The one you thought you missed.
You didn’t.
The one you thought you’d never find.
You did.
The one you never dared to believe could find you.
And of course he found you.
How could he not?
All those things you thought were taking you away from all chances of ever finding him. They’re how he found you!
You don’t know how long you’ve been staring at them until you see her catch your eye. She walks over to you.
“Hi, Beautiful,” she whispers. “I’ve been waiting for you. Come with me. I want you to meet someone.” She motions him over now as he walks towards you, smiling a knowing smile at you.
You knew. You always knew!
He’s everything you ever wanted in a man – and more than you could have ever known you'd need.
More than a type. More than a look. More than a dream.
His gentle eyes. His welcoming smile. His strong arms that can carry you through anything. His calm presence that grounds you. He’s everything you thought you’d lost that you’d never, ever find again. He's everything you've never known before.
She turns to you.
“See, honey? They weren’t all taken. You haven’t missed your chance. He was right here, waiting.
Waiting for you all along.”
She tells you the story of how they met. The beautiful story of two people looking for each other in all the wrong places, finally figuring out what they were looking for and finding it in each other.
No scarcity. No missed chances. Just two people on the same page looking for the same thing reflected back in each other’s souls.
“This one’s real,” she tells you. “Not like all the others we thought were real, who led us to believe they could one day be real.”
“I couldn’t wait to tell you,” she says, “But I knew you had to be ready or you’d never believe me.”
"I've got to go," she says, as she turns to leave. With a look over her shoulder, she calls back.
“You’ll see. You don’t have to worry. You don’t have to be afraid. It all works out. Better than you could have ever imagined.”
With a wave, she’s off. Back to her life filled with love, full of happiness, the way your life has always been meant to be.
She’s you, Beautiful.
That’s your future self telling you that it's going to be alright.
She’s showing you what’s ahead, how much more there is to look forward to. How much more there is still to come than what you can see right now.
And here’s the most beautiful part of all of this. Know why this resonates so much with you? Why it brings you to tears in a way you can’t quite explain?
Because you know.
No matter how far off this seems, or how unbelievable it feels from where you are right now, there’s something deep within you that knows, that believes, that knows beyond the shadow of a doubt that this is exactly what’s still to come for you!
You know the truth. Deep down you know it’s all right there waiting for you.
You know!
“Don’t give up,” she says. “There’s so much more to come that you can’t know now. But you will. So much more than you’ve been settling for. So much more than what you think you deserve right now.”
You turn and walk back to your own life. You’ve seen what you need to see. You’ve gotten the proof you needed.
Take those thoughts that it could be any different, that what you have now could be all there is. Take each and every one of those thoughts and let them go.
That’s your old story. This is the new.
You can trust that everything is unfolding exactly as it should be. For you.
I've read this post over and over multiple times during the last week. It came at the exact moment I needed a major pep talk. I was dating someone for over a year and for the last 6 months we talked about moving in with one another and getting married but then last week, he told me he never wants to get married. It came out of nowhere. He said marriage wasn't for him because it makes HIS life inconvenient and HIS job harder. I know I dodged a bullet in the end but right now, I'm heartbroken and just hurt. I'm also angry because of his total lack of respect for me. Thank you for writing this piece. I read this every time I start to analyze what I could have done differently or what I could do to fix this relationship. I read it every morning when I wake up sad about the ending of this current relationship. Thank you for reminding me how to keep moving forward in an effort to find the man that is right for me. Thank you so much.
I'm so glad this had such an impact on you, Cecilia. You know your own truth, you know the truth about him, and you know what you deserve deep down in your heart of hearts. And now, you are free to embrace exactly that!
I'm 54 and feel like I'm running out of time.
That was so beautiful to read. Its all truth. It is what I'm living right now!
So glad, Bonnie!
Thank you, Jane, for cheering us on. I smiled reading this, but part of me keeps doubting it. Like I am just too much of a quirk of nature to enchant that man I dream of. I think he only exists in my mind. Lately I have been wondering if I actually want to have a partner. It's strange. Ever since I was four years old, males have been the center of my interests, and even though I would still love to find someone, I am feeling rather confused. Did you ever question whether you honestly wanted a life partner?
I keep wondering that. I have been looking for one, but lately I feel like what I have been looking for just simply doesn't exist. Some days I feel ok with that, and some days I feel so sad.
I wish I had a reference. I don't know what it's like to have a man care about me back. All I have known in my life is unrequited love. I feel like I have been developmentally stuck in my teenage years. The yearning and longing.
I go on dates every now and then, but none of these men excites me. I am glad to be so level headed to see when they just don't match me, before I never saw things this clearly. But i also notice I have become so detached, like it's just difficult for me to get excited about anyone.
Feeling a little sad today. Your post gave me a little to think about. I don't know if I have any hope within me.
I know, Angel. I so hear you. Yes, I've been right where you are. The kind of love I was looking for seemed so elusive, I sometimes lost all hope in ever finding what I was looking for. My defense mechanism would have me swearing off men, questioning whether I wouldn't be happier on my own, and imagining living a life equivalent to a "nun" in service to others. We have to give ourselves those references by how we treat ourselves first and how we show ourselves by our own words and actions that we're worthy of a different kind of love. Ride the waves. Accept them, know that they too will pass. And then find that hope again. It's always there. You're not too much a quirk of nature to enchant that man you dream of! He's a quirk of nature too. And it's because of that "quirk" that both of you are going to be able to find each other!
This happened for me. I've been so happy since. Keep loving yourselves, be kind and patient and you will be surprised who will appreciate you for who you are.
I pray you all get more than you hope for. Have a great day everyone
I'm so happy for you, L. Thank you for sharing - and for these beautiful, inspiring words!
As I was reading this I was thinking....nope....not for me....not with my appalling tack record with men and love and I'm much better off as I am (after all, isn't that what ALL my married and attached friends to me over and over and they envy how I do what I want and don't have to account to anyone. They don't know what it's like to be alone night after night, always an odd number on special occasions etc). But as I got to the end I realised that I do want it. I would like to have someone and I do deserve to find real love. Here's hoping!
Change the words, Karen, the inner dialogue that has you saying appalling. Not that. This. This! oh how you do! Keep us posted. Amazing things happen when these shifts - when these inner realizations occur!
My whole body tingled when I read this and that means that deep down I know this too and I felt a a very calm feeling come over me that was so comforting. Perfect timing too. Major shift happening in my life with a huge professional opportunity taking shape and that is bringing me into alignment. It almost feels like meeting this person is inevitable now. When, where, how concerns me little now ...
Mine too! Butterflies and shivers! Bizarre!
Yes, yes, yes!!
Hey Jane,
Personally, I disagree with all that - based on experience and my record.
I understand you are trying to give me hope but it's not that I don't have it, it is that there is nothing to be hopeful about when it comes to love.
I am at a point where I have accepted that finding love - real and true love - isn't for a girl like me. And I have become content with that fact. In order for my heart to stop being broken over and over I have made peace with that.
I wish I could help you see your power, Decky. Amongst all the hurt, the betrayals and everything else you've been through. I wish I could show you the difference between what was never yours to own and what is always yours to own. I have said your same words, I have heard them said just as emphatically in so many women just like you. And I've still seen love come shining through over and over again. Do what you have to do for you, to bring you peace, to be content. It's not your fault. We just don't know.
Thank you. I needed this.
So glad, Realtamar. ♥
OMG, just at the right time Jane! To the point. Thank you.Had tears in my eyes indeed.