Our beautiful friend, Jordan, was excited when her boyfriend of over a year asked her where she thought they were heading. But then his response has her more confused than ever and she's looking for some help!
Her story:
Hi Jane,
I've been getting your emails for quite some time now and I love your advice.
I met my boyfriend a year ago (today) and it's been an interesting journey so far mainly due to his job - he is in an elite group of the US Special Forces so he is constantly gone, sometimes little communication, a month trip here, 2 months there, etc. Currently, he is on his first six month deployment.
I think he's had a lot of time to think over there and is usually not an emotionally expressive guy so I was really surprised when I got a text from him yesterday asking "where do you see us headed in the future?" (we can't talk on the phone - only text right now so that is why he didn't call).
I was 100% honest with him.Continue Reading
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