Our gorgeous friend, who I'll call "Madeline", was very hurt by a nasty email from her ex after their break up. She's having a very hard time letting go, and wants to let him know just how much he has hurt her with the things he said.
Here's her email:
Thank you for all of the tips to make this new year successful!
I am a 58 year old woman that was in a long term (17 year) on and off relationship. Right after New Years, he broke it off (not the first time) and said some very hateful and nasty things when he did (via email, of course).
Maybe I should back up a little.....
I live in CA and he lives in Oregon. I have lived in Oregon with him and he has lived in CA with me and 3 times we have gone our separate ways, only to eventually work things out and get together again.
8 years ago, he lived with me in CA and I asked him to leave he had a horrible gambling problem and had started to put walls up all around.Continue Reading
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