Our gorgeous friend, Nancy, is seriously wondering if the guy she was dating is actually a sociopath. Read her story and let us know what you think.
Her story:
Hi Jane!
I stumbled upon your website by chance, after googling questions that I needed answers to after having suffered at the hands of someone I think may be a sociopath.
It's really frustrating when you have to use google as a tool to get answers because the person who you initially trusted won't give them to you straight. Desperation kicks in and you find yourself typing out anything and everything to help soothe your thoughts.
I will try to keep this as short as possible.
Back in the summer, I met a guy who I thought seemed nice and outgoing. I felt attracted to him, but then after he added me on facebook, my gut instinct told me something was off- his fb consisted of a friend list of all women.
I asked him why that was and he told me it was for girls he met bc he had deleted his real facebook. I'm not a stupid person, of course my alarm bells were going off but I also am the kind of person who wants to give people the benefit of the doubt...or maybe I was stupid when it came to him.
Right off the bat he told me how pretty he thought I was, and I am someone he would marry. Again, I thought it was too soon to make such an assumption, but I thought maybe he was just playing.Continue Reading
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