Why we do them, no one knows. But if we think it’s love, we’ll try it.
Because they’re into skiing and we want to do things with them and we just know it’ll be easy to pick it up.
No, no, no! Do not do this.
I learned this one the hard way. And ended up on the roof. Of a shed. On the slopes.
It was supposed to be skiing on the trails, and not scary. But, in my enthusiasm for my new beau, I neglected to mention that I had never skied before, and in fact, found the whole thing a little scary.
But I, the ever idealistic pleaser, was sure it would work itself out.
So there we were. Of course I looked the part in my expensive sexy snow bunny suit, so I figured that would make it all work out. I’d look so good it wouldn’t matter that I didn’t really ski (at least not well).Continue Reading
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