I get a ton of emails but sometimes there are ones that cut right through to my heart. This one was one of them.
I read it through twice and caught my breath. How many times had I whispered exactly the same thing? How many women do I talk to who ask me the same thing?
Jane, she began, I wanted to see if I might have one (or any) email consults left with you or if not can I please buy one? 🙂
I have recently found out I'm likely on the spectrum which explains a few things but I'm really struggling with my family dynamics and feel a bit like I'm too messed up to even be friends with anyone let alone be in a relationship (which I've pretty much given up on).
I feel like I keep getting backed into corners and my health is in decline.
I have become very much a recluse and avoid seeing people because I'm either too unwell or feel like it's a waste of time because I will be rejected sooner or later (because I'm not good company - I really understand that) and it's just too painful to do it anymore so I just stay on my own.Continue Reading
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