The most tragic part of loving the wrong people for us - the ones who don't love us back or love us the way we love them - is that we take this wrong person and we stake our worth on them.
Until they love us, we're unlovable. Until they accept us, we're unacceptable.
We tie our worth to someone who has no special claim to determine our worthiness. In fact, we pick the very one who's incapable of loving anyone like us at all.
Can you see this?
It's never about a guy, never about winning someone's love. It is always about proving something about ourselves we feel we have to prove. That's a made up story someone put on us, not anything to do with real love.
Take this guy you're holding to this task that he's utterly incapable of and never signed up for in the first place. Let him be just an ordinary guy.
Give yourself back your worth, your lovability, your more than acceptable status. It was never about him, but always about what we needed him to be.
If you don't need him - or any man - to validate you like this, can you see how much easier this thing you've made "the great impossible search" becomes?
Seeing this? Type "yes" here in the comments below.
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