Give up trying to be that girl who has everything you want.
Give up trying to be that girl who does what you've never been able to do.
Give up trying to be that girl who doesn't have to take life seriously, who never seems to feels the pain, who lives her life for having fun.
Give up trying to be her!
You know who I'm talking about. The one you're comparing yourself to, the one you wish you were, the one you try so hard to be.
"Why can't I be more like her?!" Because you're not her. You're you.
Your journey is your own.
What you've been through is yours.
What you can't unsee is a part of that journey.
How it's changed you, how it's molded you, is all of you.
You see that girl who has everything you want, who does what you've never been able to do, who never needs to take life seriously or feel the pain but lives her life focused on having fun because that's her, not you!
You look around you. You see where you're at. You see all the roadblocks between you and her and why you'll never be her. There's a reason.
That's who she is. And you're who you are.
Give up on trying to be her. You're not her. You're someone else you ARE supposed to be.
You know who she gets? Someone who loves her for her. You know who you get? Someone who loves you for you! No, they're not the same.
All that energy, all that effort you put into trying to be someone else, put THAT kind of time and energy and effort into being you. You have no idea, girl, how much we've all been waiting for you!
Who needed this reminder today? Tell me here in the comments if it's you!
You were so right:) he is so much drama! I took your advice. I did nothing. He pursued me. He wanted to get married and we found a house!
He canceled the contract without even talking to me. He is blaming his kids but his parents told him he couldn’t move to the next town over (12 minute drive). He works in their company.
I don’t know if I want him or not. It hurts really bad. I do want it. I want what I thought we had.
I guess I step back and do nothing again and see what he wants. Without waiting for him to decide. I keep my boundaries when it comes to him and just take it a step at a time and see where my journey takes me.
It's me. I feel like i can't measure up to other ladies who seem to be beautiful and doing well. I need to give up this illusion.. Theoretically it's easy but practically needs lots of practice.
I know, Mildly. Theoretically and what it is in reality are two very different things! Focus on what you CAN do, what you DO have control over and leave the rest to a higher power that loves you and cares for you and wraps its arms around you. You're loved to your very core by people you haven't even met yet who can't wait to see more of you! Me included. 🙂
I really
Needed to hear today's message because for so long I've been trying to be someone else . Someone I thought I had to be for someone to love me.
So glad it resonated with you, Frances. Don't let anyone dim your own beautiful light just because of the messages running around in your head that tell you otherwise!