That was Kate's question for me. And my answer to her is the same to you if you've ever asked this yourself.
Her Story:
Hi Jane,
I met my boyfriend online, and at first I wanted to be just friends and he wanted to be more than friends. Later I changed my mind and decided to go out with him.
We dated for about 1-1/2 months and he broke it off yesterday saying he didn't have romantic feelings for me and that he thought of me as a friend. I'm so shocked and heartbroken because I really really liked him and thought we'd be together for a while.
We don't have much in common and we don't really know each other so I thought maybe that might be the problem. I want to be friends with him but I really want to get back together with him.
He was the best boyfriend I have ever had and he's a really good guy.Continue Reading
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