What would YOU say is the reason you're single and what would YOUR BEST FRIEND say? No, I'm not yelling, just want to make sure you get both down
I was thinking about this last night. When I first meet you on a call, I will ask you this, because it matters.
I've never met anyone on my calls who was choosing to be single, even if that's what they said.
Either you're so tired of being asked if you're "still single" and you've got your defenses up so you say the same thing you've always said. Or you're so past the giving up stage that you've just accepted this as your fate.
It's no one's fate, no one's destiny; you have so much more control over your status than you've ever been led to believe!
I know the power of a new story, even if it's one you don't yet believe yourself, even if it's only the one I'm telling you I believe for you and waiting for you to catch up. But don't get ahead of where we're at now, we're not going there just yet.
For today, you're just looking at your REASONS.
This is where your original story comes from and the one we're going to take a closer look to break down why this is your particular reason - and why it might not be the same reason your best friend gives you.
Put it down here in the comments: What would YOU say is the reason you're single and what would YOUR BEST FRIEND say?
Then I'll tell you who I'm siding with here.
P.S. My own answer was always I'm just too picky and hadn't met the right guy yet. My best friend had something else to say
I agree 100% with you and your friend
Funny ...I too have a best friend...I'm 55 and shes 51..we've been friends since she was 8 and I was 12...at the moment we are both single and actually loving it...I am content and in control of my emotions and my life for a change. I may or may not fall in love again...if so I can tell you it certainly will be different. I am a strong and independent woman and I know my worth
I know I will be fine either way. And yes my bestie and I will always have each other...that's a definite true love
Friends till the end
Love hearing you've got a friend like this to enjoy the single life with, Karen. I know you'll be fine either way too!
My friend and I talk about this a lot- both of us single at this time in our lives- over 50, many failed relationships mainly because we both give, give, give and keep waiting to get back.
Online dating was a disaster for me and only made me feel worse about myself. Men who have been playing this game for years and know how to manipulate and say what you want to hear at first, then it all changes.
My friend and I agree, it's best to be single, true to ourselves and not have to justify who we are to a man who wants us to be what he wants for his benefit. I think my friend and I will both be single for a long time, but we always have each other.
I would say I’m single because I don’t find many people attractive and the dating pool is pretty rough these days. Not sure what my friend would say, but we both agree that online dating just feels all wrong. The discomfort of being single is still better than the horror of online dating.
I think its because I haven't met the right person that I really want to spend some time with, I think my friend would say I am fussy and possibly a bit needy.
I would like someone who gives me their attention because they are as into me as I am into them.
But not 24/7
I would say that there seems to be a shortage of men who are genuine and real. At my age 57 the men I meet just don’t pique my interest or if they do the come with a lot of baggage! My friend always says the right one will come along when I least expect it
I haven't met the right one yet
I lost my marriage held it too tightly. My friends would say OHh she’s single because the jerk left her. That’s what I think but I will ask them.