Our answers may seem illogical to anyone else, but to us they’re so real. The more we answer with them, the more they become our truth.
It doesn’t matter if someone can point out why we’re wrong or why the evidence points to the contrary. We have the proof.
I’ll never find anyone.
I’ve already tried everything.
I’m too old.
I’m too _______.
How familiar are these to you?
Pick one. Tell me which one is yours. The one no one can talk you out of.
What do you believe today, even if you try not to? We’re not to going to change your mind today, just name it here. We'll do something with it next time.
I am tired of dating men who either smother me or are avoidant attachment.
Well Jane, mine is I can never find the one? The Mr. Right that is going to sweep me off my feet!
I've got lots to say about that, Janice. We're going to help you find him, once and for all! Don't go anywhere. 🙂
Too old
More to come on this, Julie. You're not alone -and you're NEVER too old. I can tell you many stories of women I've coached in their 50s, 60s, and yes, even 70s who've found the men they'd been searching for their whole lives. Never say never, sweet soul!
I’ll never find someone
Sarah, why not?
I'm to jaded to ever get past my past to trust anyone
Is there anyone you could see yourself trusting again, Heather? What would he have to do to earn your trust, and what would that look like to you? You're not alone with this one, girl!
I tried everything, but the only thing that seems to be working for me now is prayer, and learning to discover who I am and loving who I am. I know that God will open doors for me that I never thought possible and put the right people in my path, therefore I am no longer worried whether I’m worthy of love or not. I know my Lord loves me and I need not worry about anything else. Blessings will come. 🙏♥️
Glad you've found your peace, Marisa. Settling the "worthy" question is a big one!
Mine is: it's not like 10 guys are waiting for me out there🤪😉
Would one do?
I've tried everything, and still no interest.
Love to hear your everything, Cheri. Sounds pretty open and shut and that always makes me wonder what's underneath. Lots of love to you!
I’m too old & I don’t own my own home
Do you have to own your own home, Lisa?
I'm to broken,
Damaged. Plus
My age.
Why was it your fault, Darla? You don't deserve to take their brokenness on you!
In too old
Why? Aren't they old, too?
I'm not "pretty" enough. Only "pretty" women get boyfriends and married. I am ugly. In school kids use to bully me and make fun of me because of how I looked. I still carry what those mean girls said about me in my head and heart. I feel ugly and unwanted. I wish I was pretty.
I also want to add I have very low selfesteem. So I let men use me and treat me bad.....like a door mat. I feel I am ugly and unworthy of love. So I put up with being treated badly.
So, Kelly, if you stop putting up with being treated badly, would that help?
I know, and my heart goes out to you, Kelly. We always carry those words with us. Have you ever seen a not pretty enough girl find love, have a boyfriend, or get married?
I’m not sure what going on it’s hard to find a gentleman who can share a healthy relationship. Maybe I am too old . I do meet guys my age they are so much in their past it’s hard to figure them out.
Maybe a younger guy?
I'm too nice & often don't stick up for myself.
What if you started to, Kimberly? And what does "too nice" mean? What would it's opposite be? Sending you love tonight, sweet soul. From a member of the "too nice" too. Until we're not and then we're just resentful. Been there. There's more to you here.
I'm too old.
I'm too fat.
I'm too messed up from the past.
No, no, no! None of these preclude you from having the love you know you deserve to have, LL. Don't give up! I've got more coming for you, my beautiful friend. Don't give up yet!
Once I finally figured out I was worthy of love, I suddenly had a choice of women! And I'm gay, which already cuts down my options, I'm 62, and am not working because of the pandemic. All of it didn't matter - I could choose between several attractive, interesting women. I could hardly believe it. So I picked the one who motivates me to be a better human being, because that's what feels the best.
Jane is right. Once you believe in yourself, it starts to really open up for you!!! (And yes, I did the Weekly Love Steps, but I didn't even have to finish the program.)
I am to scared to try again. How will I know it's not a narcissist again. Someone that will just use me again for his own pleasure and ego.
Been there.
I’ll never be good enough for someone to love.
I'll never find anyone...I've spent many years learning about me, finding my sense of self worth, becoming so much healthier mentally and emotionally. Recently filed for divorce from a 23 yr marriage. Last year I decided to "put myself out there" and a few months ago I met someone. That journey is a sordid story in itself, but I'm broken hearted, angry, sad...im losing hope that there is that special someone out here for me...I thought I found him, my twin flame...well, not so much...and here I am, starting all over, yet again...I'm tired....of being alone, of thinking I will never find him, of simply having to do this single thing at all...Just so tired...
I have early onset Parkinson’s. I’m 42. I feel no one will want me after they find out.
My ex husband found out he had Parkinson’s around 52. He’s had it since 50 because it took a couple of years ruling out other things to get to this diagnosis. Well his gf just left him after being together for 8 years saying she didn’t want to spend her retirement taking care of him. I’m hurt for him and for you and was wondering if you had thought out finding someone else with Parkinson’s, if only for friendship because the both of you could best understand what the other is going through. Additionally have you thought if a service dog. I read they were good for people with Parkinson’s.
I am too sensitive, anxious, poor, old, depressed, complicated. I’m too all of it... which make feel like I’ll never find anyone.
Iam too late. And I am too insecure