I've been talking about this a lot on my calls lately.
That's right. Doors.
Like that door you keep trying so hard to open?
You know, the one you keep pounding on that STILL won't open, no matter what you do.
Well, what's behind it isn't yours!
Go knock on another door. And another. Don't keep wasting your time.
If it's not opening, it's not a sign to try harder, to be more, to do more, to make it the mountain you choose to die on out of principle.
It's not meant to be!
The one that opens? Fling it open with arms wide open, Girl.
THAT'S the one for you!
I know someone needed this today. Let me know in the comments if it was you!
I needed to hear this .
So glad it helped, Jacki!
Thank you kindly for your help! Really needed to hear this today. Thank you!😊
Anytime, Linda. So glad the timing came through for you!
Yes this is me 🖐️
I moved to move in with my boyfriend. Four months later, I’m stuck in his hometown by myself. He kept looking for holes in my stories and him saying, “that’s not what I heard” about a past relationship that ended 10 years ago. One day, he told me he had contacted my ex husband - a man I have not seen in 10 years. I do not have children with my ex but I did have to take out a restraining order against him because it ended in domestic violence. When he told me that, I made him leave. Right then. Now a month or two later, I’m wondering did I overreact? I’m sad, lonely, and scared. I now own a home without a job locally. I travel for work every week while leaving my house unattended. Now my college age kids have no place to call home. I’ve really screwed up everything!
My heart goes out to you, Valerie. I hear these words from women all day, every day. You're not alone here! These decisions we make reflect our best decisions at the time we make them - obviously, right?! - so try not to be so hard on yourself. Yes, it's sad and yes, now with hind sight you can see the full picture, but you couldn't see this then, so focus on what you can do NOW! Much love to you.
Yes. I needed this. Been in love with someone for the past 30 years. Been in and out of touch with him. Recently reconnected but it’s not to be. I just need to get it through my thick head. Thank you
Don't be so hard on yourself, Donna. The inclination to 'just love him more!' runs deep!
My ex kept texting me many one word texts and DOOR was on his list.. I guess I wouldn’t answer the door for a year he finally gave up !!! Lmao !!!
Smart woman you are, Coll!
Yes I truly needed to read this today! I recently broke up with my boyfriend whom I believe wasn’t right for me. But I keep wanting to reach out to him and not let go with the belief that if I tried harder or we do things differently it would work.
I need to move on and let go.
'If I tried harder, if we do things differently', but Karen, where's he in this? Isn't it really all you, sweet soul?
Yes, that door that doesn't want to open...even after 2 years. Just had the worst month with my boyfriend and now it's over...on my birthday weekend😥 but yes, closed door, brick wall that I kept trying to break through...I'm tired and disappointed, but somehow relieved. Thank for your continues support
Anytime, Miry. You know I've got enough hope for all of us over here! ❤
I soooo needed this today. Thank you!
You're so welcome, Becca!
I keep opening the door on a relationship that has nothing to do with me. I miss and love him so much they've been together off and on for 8 years! And he won't do nothing to help himself to help us. God why is it so hard to shut that door. I will always be his friend
It's right there, Jeanne. You answered it - because you'll always be his friend!
I needed that today!
So glad, Vee!
Thank You. I needed to hear this today. I’ve been knocking on a door for 3 months, and it’s not opening. It’s time to let go and move on, even though it hurts.
Right there with ya! I got this unsolicited email this morning that said, "It is time to cut the cord that is draining all your energy." I cut the cord and stopped banging on the door.
It hurts because of you and your capacity to care, Rebecca. Not because of him!
This! I so needed this!
Cut to me already knocking on new doors this morning lol
Scene and right there with you, Priscilla! ❤
Wow! How I love this message. It is to the point, it is clear, and it identifies for us what we need to do when someone or something is not for us in just a simplistic way. We are at the beginning of a new year and now is a great time to renew our way of thinking and to press forward to all the great experiences that wait ahead; leaving behind negative energy and unproductive mindsets, situations, and relationships in the past where they belong. Thank you for sharing!
You got it, Cheryl. Right there with you!
Hi yes I did . Your so right I can’t keep trying to come in when he won’t let me . I need to go
No you sure can't, Gorete. We're not martyrs anymore. Got a whole lotta life out there to live right where you are!
I have dated a man for almost 5 years and it has gone nowhere. He is anti social and a loner. He’s not mean and has many good points but he is unhappy with me and me with him. He wants to live in limbo and never really make concrete plans to commit to the future. It’s really sad.
What would happy look like, Laura?