I talk a lot about programming on here and there's a reason why.
The way we've been brought up and conditioned to believe the things we accept as truth about ourselves, about men, about relationships, about what's normal in general, are all because of the way we've specifically been programmed.
It isn't your fault that you're only attracting a certain kind of man.
It isn't because there's something wrong with you that you can't seem to get over what's been fed to you as truth.
Come back with me to when you were just a young girl learning about the world.
Now imagine being that impressionable little girl entering puberty, trying to figure out for yourself what it means to be a woman in a world of men.
And then imagine being told by your mother that God made women to have curves and breasts solely for the pleasure of men. Imagine the way you view the world, men, and your role as a woman, through that lens!Continue Reading
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