When I say you can never be too much or not enough for someone who is truly right for you, when I validate you for being who you are, when I advocate for you and every woman like you to stand in your own beautiful feminine power instead of bending and changing for a man, there’s a reason.
There will always be the easy answer, the simple answer that someone could argue. If he was really that into you, he’d be with you.
And while on the one hand I’ll agree with that statement for the most part, there’s another side to this that creates a fallout that no one ever talks about until it’s happened enough times that you go digging for answers and find your way here.
And that’s when you begin to see yourself in a whole new light. That’s when the answers you just knew had to be there suddenly appear.
Because I’ve been there. And I've seen both sides of this story.Continue Reading
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