Our beautiful friend, Tracy, has just gone through a devastating experience with an emotionally unavailable man.
Here's her story:
Hi Jane,
You helped me with my first break up with a emotionally unavailable man and your articles inspired me to keep my eyes open while dating.
I must admit for 4 months I was involved in a little mess here. But with your knowledge and clear look for signs I can now recover faster and be stronger.
Our story started with the dead end. But it could have change with the happy ending.
I met a wonderful man while he was travelling. We jumped into romance and adventure and soon after realized that this is something more than just a summer fling.
Even from the start I could see a red flag rising. He was from States, I was living in Australia. In beginning he thought he will stay here but after exploring his future options he couldn't see his career and life here in Australia.
All the immigration laws was against us.Continue Reading
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