We're always hoping for the classic story of 'boy meets girl, boy chases girl, girl lets him catch her, and they live happily ever after.'
But real life never seems to follow that story line.
Sure, it starts out that way.
He’s chasing us, we’re being chased, just like boys chase girls in elementary school, and it’s fun! It’s exciting. We feel desired and wanted and worthy and that makes us feel like we've got it going on.
We’re being chosen. Someone’s picked us.
Then all of a sudden, something changes.
He’s got us and he can clearly see we’re hooked. But instead of the ending that was supposed to be, it’s turned into something else.
Suddenly, everything changes.The conquest is over. He’s chosen us and we've accepted and now we've followed what we've been led to believe is what dating and commitment is all about.
We’re ready for that next step. But he isn't.Continue Reading
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