Our letter today comes from Angie, who's wondering if she's overreacting to hearing her newly widowed boyfriend isn't ready to include her in his family holiday plans. Here's what she wrote to me:
Her Story:
Hi Jane,
I'm a 48 year old woman dating a 50 year old widow (his wife passed 2 years ago). I have been dating him for 7 months.
I have only met his teen kids once (despite him being at my house a lot with my teen kids). He mentioned Christmas and that he won't see me as he will go to his parents house with his kids for both Christmas Eve/Christmas Day (which I am ok with).
He also said I won't see him on his birthday, December 28th as it's his birthday and he will spend it with his kids. He will visit me early evening and stay over.
I'm not sure if I'm over-reacting but I do feel hurt about his birthday - it feels as though he just wants to keep me away from his kids - but then turns up to spend the evening with me. He is kind and loving to me and always call/texts etc.
- AngieContinue Reading
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