We've all had those pivotal moments in our lives when we're provided with a contrast so opposite to the situation we've found ourselves in, that we can't help but question why we're still there.
They remind us not everyone will treat us the way we've become so used to. They give us hope.
And they provide us with something to look back on when we try to make sense of it all.
One of those moments for me was at a hockey game with my boyfriend at the time, this guy I felt so beaten down by (he was the one who also made me literally sick at the end.)
Yeah. That one.
It was during one of the intermissions where I went to the concessions by myself and to have someone smile at me - another man smile at me, say something nice to me, be kind to me - it felt like such a rare thing.
I felt so grateful, overly grateful, and as proof of how beaten down I’d become, I was thinking, you’re so kind.
You’re so nice to me.Continue Reading
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