Our letter this week comes from, Vicki, who's wondering if the man she feels a special connection with in their on-again, off-again relationship, will ever be ready for a real, committed relationship.
Here's her story:
Hi Jane,
I love your programs and I am really relating to some of the stuff you say. I particularly relate to Sue's letter.
I have had an on/off relationship with a guy for just over 15 months.
I am 51 and have sorted my life out, he is 53 and hasn't.
He has not sorted out all the baggage from his marriage - i.e. not divorced, just now selling the home because he is having financial trouble.
The trouble comes from being depressed or bi-polar or chronic fatigue that led to a truck load of self-esteem issues and to top it off he has 2 young girls (4 and 10) as well as 2 older boys.
So his life is hard.Continue Reading
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