I've been judged my entire life. Some of you know this about me, most of you don't.
My worth was equated with being perfect.
When you have a dad who's a minister, you have to be. Picking up early on what it meant to be loved in my family, I learned to conform and earned the label of the perfect one, while my older sister rebelled against that conformity and was forced to leave our house when she was 14 years old.
I was 9 years old and the day I learned my parents had chosen my dad's church and upholding their image over their own daughter, I also learned that my perfect label wasn't just a label; it was a matter of life as I knew it or the very opposite.
It was confirmed for me that my worst fear as a child could happen; I could lose their love.
From that moment, I chose security and hid my true self until I left the country for college after I graduated high school.Continue Reading
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